When a Leader Disagrees with the Teamwork Roadmap

When a Leader Disagrees with the Teamwork Roadmap

leader concerned about the teamwork roadmap

One of the main roles of a company’s leaders is to create a “teamwork roadmap” that outlines the direction of the organization and how to get there. Once the roadmap has been defined, all the leaders must stand behind it 100% and work to deliver it through their respective departments. This is what we call team alignment.

What happens, however, when a leader must align with a direction he/she doesn’t believe is in the best interest of the company?

This is the issue facing Nicky, a new and younger member of the company’s leadership team. Nicky often doesn’t agree with the teamwork roadmap, but when she expresses her concerns, she senses the other leaders discount her point of view. In fact, she feels they walk over her input or even discourage her from speaking up.

Recently, there have been several occasions when her “lone voice” opinion turned out to be the rational and thought-out perspective that would have best served the business. Instead, Nicky found herself having to manage issues that could have been avoided had the team considered her stance in the first place.

Nicky wants to be a strong contributing leader yet is beyond frustrated to have to agree with the team’s action roadmap when she believes there are significant issues that are not being discussed. She then feels powerless when the decisions create new problems for the business.

Nicky has considered stepping down from the leadership team. It would be a career setback, so it is not her first choice. She also realizes that she has not yet found a way to make her voice heard. To this end, she is working with her leadership coach on developing her executive presence and ability to speak up on important business matters.

Make no mistake, though: this problem doesn’t rest on her shoulders alone. It is the team’s problem.

Disagreements are inevitable but it is possible to engage in healthy team conflict where all opinions are respected and taken into account, instead of being brushed aside. In fact, this is essential for the company leaders to create the most effective teamwork roadmap.


Nicky doesn’t need everyone to agree with her but her voice can bring fresh perspective, allowing the team an opportunity to avoid groupthink and think through the consequences of a decision from different angles.

They may still arrive at the same decision but chances are, they will be more prepared to handle any issue that might come up due to the fact that they considered all the options. It is also easier for the leaders to rally behind the final decision when they feel the team listened and acknowledged their point of view.

How about you?  As a leadership team member, is your voice heard on key decisions?

Does the team have a habit of dismissing certain points of view?

If so, let’s talk.

We can help you approach decision-making in a way that will make your teamwork roadmap much more effective. The whole company will be better for it.

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