Executive Team Roadmaps that Help Leaders Soar Together
- This post is about: leaders development, leadership team, team collaboration, team development
Imagine your leadership team working so easily together that it takes little effort to get things done. Everyone is energized to be part of the team.
Their strengths complement each other perfectly.
Different people naturally emerge to lead the team at different stages.
Members trust each other to step up and deliver what’s needed.
Everyone’s opinions are welcomed and taken into consideration to get to decisions that all members can support.
What could your company accomplish if your leaders worked together like this, all the time?
If you think that’s impossible, rest assured it is not.
At Leaders Roadmap, we help executive teams find their roadmap to true alignment, so they can soar together. Aligned teams become much more than the sum of their parts.
So, how do we get your team there?
We start by understanding how the team works together now: What works well? What challenges them?
Do the members trust each other? Do they know how to handle team disagreements? Can they hold productive meetings? Do they struggle making decisions together?
We often interview all team members to get everyone’s perspective. We look for what’s great about the team and where the cracks lie. We also find out if the team are inspired or de-motivated by their leader.
We listen both to what is said and what is NOT said. We build a picture of the patterns that work for and against the team.
Then, we use the feedback to create a personalized executive team development roadmap. No cookie-cutter approach; no rigid models. Only what works best for your team based on where you are at and what you want to achieve.
Your leaders’ team roadmap can include:
- Team sessions
- Leadership assessments to build greater awareness at the individual and team level
- Individual leadership coaching sessions
We help the team see where they are already clicking and where they are not aligned, and recommend strategies to help them flow in unison. The team gets to practice new ways of collaborating and we review progress.
Recently, the head of a leadership team came to us looking for support for their young leaders. They collaborate well and understand they need each other to survive in a tough environment. However, they are running complex projects that require more leadership experience than they have. They are in critical positions of leadership and need to develop key leadership skills.
Our recommended leadership team roadmap looks like this:
- We start with a leadership 360 assessment. This tool will give each young leader an understanding of their strengths and what they need to work on to increase their leadership impact. They will receive specific feedback from peers, team members, and key stakeholders. Each leader will get an individual debrief on the assessment ahead of the first team session.
- Team sessions: these will focus both on growing individual leadership skills and giving each other support by building deeper mutual understanding and trust.
- Individual sessions: each member will get one-to-one coaching space to further address their unique development needs.
Their executive team roadmap is designed to grow the young leaders while they are delivering real work. It takes into consideration they are a fast-moving team under great stress. This means all sessions will provide real-time support based on the challenges they are facing in the moment.
Do you have a leadership team roadmap for developing what is needed to be successful together?
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