Your roadmap to true leadership team alignment


Today’s business world is more complex and volatile than ever. Your company faces both opportunities and challenges of unprecedented scale.

The ability to meet them successfully rests on you and your leadership team. We can help you get there.

You’re highly qualified, you’re doing the work, and yet something is still missing.

Does this sound like you and your leadership team?

Woman in a black suit jacket and peach blouse standing over a table and open laptop talking with four business associates


You have to make tougher-than-ever decisions in an increasingly unpredictable and stressful environment, navigating difficult conversations and finding new ways to work with each other.

Woman with short blonde and grey hair in a black blouse, wearing black reading glasses looking down.


You are called upon to be at once inspiring visionaries and steady-hand stewards, inclusive and decisive, mentors and decision-makers, all while getting results in the short- and long-term.

What if you could all be on the same page and at the top of your game, unified towards a shared vision and able to bring out the best in each other no matter what comes your way?


There is no one-size-fits-all formula for success. Every executive team is different and has a distinct roadmap to excellence driven by each person’s unique strengths and the synergies between them.

Our talent lies in figuring out what those are and how you are getting in the way of their full expression, both individually and as a team. We then craft a development approach to bring the team in alignment – with their gifts and each other – and become unstoppable.


Uncovering your roadmap will help your leadership team come together in a way that’s far greater than the sum of its parts.

Individual voices will be heard, contributing to more effective solutions in support of the team. Tensions and issues will be understood and eradicated. Differences of opinions will no longer stump you but move you forward more inspired and confident than ever before. 

This kind of cohesion among your leadership team will lift the entire company to a whole new level of performance, giving you the ability to overcome any challenge, adapt easily to any circumstance, and create sustainable growth.

Orla and Susan have taken a group of individual leaders who were expert in their field and transform them into an Executive Leadership team able to have tough conversations to get aligned on a vision and the strategy to get there. As a result, we're now well equipped to bring about the major change our company needs to grow.

Gab Dalporto, wearing a dark suit jacket, blue dress shirt under a grey sweater
Gabriel Dalporto CEO, UDACITY

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Susan and Orla

We are certified leadership coaches and team facilitators with 30+ years of combined experience.

Susan and Orla, leadership team development coaches